Come una sorella
Egyéb cím(ek): Comme une soeur
Noodlottige luchtvaart
Műfaj: Feature film
Év: 1912
Játékidő: 00:31:58
Leírás: Nelly, star of the music-hall, loves a famous aviator, John Kasalewsky, but it is an unrequited love. That is why she tries to commit suicide. Moved by compassion, John invites Nelly to live in his house and take care of him like a sister. Nelly agrees, and for a while she seems to be happy, until John falls in love with Kate Wilson. For that reason Nelly leaves home and gets herself a job in a hospital. But one day, during an air race, John gets seriously injured and is hospitalized where Nelly works. Kate is shocked by the terrible conditions of her boyfriend, and decides to give up on him. Instead Nelly assists him day and night for three months, and eventually returns to live with him: but not as a sister. The video is a copy from the film print held by the Museo Nazionale del Cinema and previously restored by the EYE Filmmuseum: 35mm, positive, acetate, 590 m, 29’ at 18 fps, colour (Desmetcolor), Dutch intertitles, silent.
Kulcsszavak: drama / Lydia Quaranta; Giovanni Casaleggio; Segundo de Chomón / music-hall; dancer; aviator; suicide; accident; happy end
Szolgáltató: Museo Nazionale del Cinema
Jogok: In Copyright - EU Orphan Work
Gyártó: Itala Film, Torino
Szín: Tinted / Toned / Hand coloured
Director: Dénizot, Vincenzo C.
Sound: Without sound
A dokument típusa:
Gyűjtemény: Museo Nazionale del Cinema Film Collection
Language: nl